
Sati Pasala at Bristol Buddhist Vihara, Bristol, United Kingdom - Report

Sati Pasala at Bristol Buddhist Vihara, Bristol, United Kingdom – Report

We were fortunate to have Venerable UdaEriyagama Dhammajiva Maha Thero to lead our very first Sati Pasala in Bristol during his short stay in the UK in July 2019. It was initiated with great support from our Venerable Pelwatte Dhammananda Thero, the Chief Incumbent at the Bristol Buddhist Vihara. Over many years, Dhammananda Thero has been teaching Dhamma and Sinhala language ensuring spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing of our kids, at up to six Dhamma Schools a month, at various cities around the Southwest of England.

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Sati Pasala Children at the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations

Sati Pasala Children at the UN Day of Vesak Celebrations

As part of the United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations in Victoria, Australia, Sati Pasala children in Melbourne presented a segment on the practice of mindfulness on the 4th of May 2019. After introducing ‘mindfulness’, children demonstrated ‘mindful walking’ and conducted a guided ‘mindful sitting’ involving also the audience. The presentation highlighted that good vibration from those who practice mindfulness would be felt not only by their families but across the society and countries, making this planet a better place for all those who live on it.
ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාවේ වික්ටෝරියා ප්‍රාන්තයේ, වර්ෂ 2019 එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වෙසක් දිනය සැමරීමේ උත්සවය සඳහා මෙල්බර්න් නගරයේ සති පාසල දරුවන් විසින් ‘සති පුහුණුව’ පිළිබඳ අංගයක් මැයි මස 4 වනදා ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ලැබුවා. එහි දී, මෙම දරුවන් මුලින්ම ‘සතිය’ හඳුන්වා දී, අනතුරුව ‘සතිමත් ඇවිදීම’සඳහා උපදෙස් ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් එහි යෙදෙන ආකරය ද පෙන්වා දුන්නා. පසුව ප්‍රේක්ෂක පිරිසද සහභාගී කර ගනිමින් ‘සතිමත් ඉඳගැනීම’ සඳහා මග පෙන්වීමක් ලබා දුන්නා. මෙම ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමේදී, ‘සතිය’ පුහුණු කරන අයගේ හිතකර කම්පන ඔවුන්ගේ පවුල් වල පමණක් නොව සමාජය සහ රටවල් හරහා පැතිර යන බවත්, එය සැමට වඩා සැනසීමෙන් ජිවත් විය හැකි යහපත් ස්ථානයක් බවට ලෝකය පත් කිරීමට උපකාර වන බවත් සති පාසල දරුවන් විසින්අවධාරනය කළා.

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Workshop on Mindfulness at Huntleigh Girl Guides Hall, Wellington, New Zealand

Workshop on Mindfulness at Huntleigh Girl Guides Hall, Wellington, New Zealand

The 28th April 2019 workshop on Mindfulness was held at Huntleigh Girl Guides Hall, Crofton Downs from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. The workshop was attended by 42 children & 8 facilitators. The theme for the workshop was ‘how mindfulness help to become a caring member to the family and to the society”.

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Sati Pasala at Cambridge Buddhist Vihara, United Kingdom

Sati Pasala at Cambridge Buddhist Vihara, United Kingdom

As a follow up of a visit and an introductory session by Most Rev Dhammajiva Thero during his short stay in the UK, a Sati Pasala session was held at the Cambridge Buddhist Vihara. It was initiated and organised by Ven Matugama Palitha Thero, Chief Incumbent of Cambridge Buddhsit Viharaya to coincide with a Wesak Sil day for the children of the dayakas of the temple. As requested by Ven Palitha thero a discussion with the children about the importance of Wesak was conducted. Then the children watched videos on walking and sitting and spent a few minutes sitting, played mindful games and had their dana mindfully.

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