Sati Pasala program was conducted at the Saraswathy Kanishta Vidyalaya, Badulla on the 5th of October 2019. About 40 participants attended the program which was conducted by mindful facilitator Mohammed Isfan. Primary teachers from Saraswathy KV, Bharathy Primary along with some staff members of Sri Ramakrishna Tamil School attended the program and took part in various mindful activities and games. Mindful facilitators conducted mindful sitting, mindful walking, mindful listening, mindful eating and activities like magic jar along with some mindful games to give the message of mindfulness to the participants. The program was coordinated by the teachers who attended the Badulla District Teacher Training program under the Ministry of Education. The principal of the Saradwathy KV Mr. N. Balendran, Principal of Sri Ramakrishna Tamil School Mr. Sebastian Xavier and the Vice Principal of Bharathy KV Mr. Sundararaj also attended the program.
