Over 50 teachers including the Principal Ms Sandamali Aviruppola and Vice Principal kalani Suriapperuma attended a training session on Mindfulness conducted by Deepal Sooriyarachchi on behalf of Sati Pasala.
This training was the result of a request made by the principal Ms Aviruppola. Having had this training conducted for grade 9 students in 2016, and seeing its benefits, she has now decided to introduce sessions on mindfulness from grades 6 to-12. She’s planning on incorporating these sessions within the school curriculum.
Ms Aviruppola said that despite the students being very academically inclined, she felt knowledge alone did not give the students the much needed balance to face the many challenges which lay ahead of them. She emphasized the need to develop the children’s minds so that they do not succumb to peer pressure and are guided by their own inner strength of conviction and clarity of mind to make the right choices in life.
After the presentation the teachers followed a guided walking and sitting meditation. The session concluded with Deepal answering numerous questions by giving some very practical and useful suggestions.